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Tuesday, 14 August 2018


 Our indefatigable Senator Stella Oduah sponsored renewable energy Bill tagged:
A Bill for an Act to Provide for the Utilisation, Sustainability and Adequate Supply of Renewable Energy for Electricity and Heat Generation and for Related Matters.
This Bill will serve as framework to support and develop renewable energy sources by creating enabling environment to attract business in that sector.

Our economy has continued to reel in poor energy supplies to meet our household and industrial needs to stimulate economic, social and educational growth in our country. The economy has continued to struggle with unstable performance from all critical sectors that drive the economy. These challenges have all been traced and attributed to inadequate power supply required to gulvanise every sector to perform at optimal level.

In all vital sectors of our economy like manufacturing, agricultural, banking, health, creative industry et al, the narrative has not changed from hues and cry of inadequate energy supplies to meet the day to day needs of each sector thereby forcing these sectors to thrive in underutilization of capacity and yearly declining revenues.

It’s disheartening though to know that the world is quickly jettisoning the reliance on hydro and gas sources of energy supply to green energy that is eco friendly and driven by renewable energy sources like solar, wind et al.

Ironically, our country has a lot of these natural sources in abundance across different parts of the country but we continue to wallow in under supply of energy to meet our daily needs. All that is required is for the government to create a framework and enabling environment to attract investment into renewable energy for our economy to navigate away from the antiquated sources of energy to this modern technology of energy supply.  

The North has abundant sources of solar energy adequate enough to drive solar energy technology to meet their local needs of energy supply. In the other hand, the South also has abundant Wind and also solar energy supply sources adequate enough to drive their local economies without hindrance as witnessed in this era of hydro and gas energy sources that are fraught with seasonal challenges. 

Diversification of our energy sources is the major impact this Bill is dedicated to make in our energy sector. The Bill will support and stimulate the development, utilization and efficient management of renewable energy sources like wind, solar.

It is also targeted to improve access to energy supplies to households, businesses, factories etc to meet their needs adequately to improve, sustain and fully utilize their capacities for greater economic growth vis a vis GDP growth.

Full diversification of these other energy sources and sustained policy of attracting investments into renewable energy will help to gulvanise our energy sector and put it on the part to grow the sector to meet our rising needs in tandem with our burgeoning population.

The major draw back an average Nigerian will tell you to our economic growth is power supply. It is believed that our economy which is mostly driven by SMEs will grow fast if these SMEs ranging from barbing salon, hairdressing saloon, stores, welders, restaurants, bars, creative industry producers etc are guaranteed 24 hours power supply to meet their needs without interruption. It will also reduce their overhead drastically thereby stabilizing their daily revenue to meet their household financial pressures and more. 

Aggressive investment in renewable driven by a policy framework that creates enabling environment for investors to tap the opportunities that abound in that sector is what will take us out of the woods and power sector dilemma we face. It will compel stakeholders to create a future road map in that sector that will be driven by renewable energy.

These visions can only come from a leader who is concerned about the growth of the economies of her people like Senator Stella Oduah. She understands that Anambra is a state driven by entrepreneurs who incur heavy overhead yearly to power their generators to remain in business in the face of daily declining power supply. In spite of the fact that power supply continues to cascade downwards, the people are forced to pay heavy electricity bills that are not commensurate with what they consume in a sheer exploitation drive by distributions companies.

This bill will bring relief to the people and set our economy on the pedestal for growth and stability to optimize the potentials of this great state Anambra and Nigeria in general.


Anayo Ekeanya (MBA, BSc, DAIT) writes from Abuja.
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