Its regrettable to notice
that Sahara Reporters have continued this trend of their beer parlour
journalism that deserves only a place at the garbage bin after shredding it .
No mainstream media will dwell and build a history of lies and lies and lies
just to pander to the interest of their
sponsors and thereby hoodwink unsuspecting Nigerians especially the Diaspora
group that are seeking to keep abreast with happenings in fatherland, the way
Sahara Reporters do.
Unfortunately, it has
gotten to the point where no one bothers about responding to Sahara Reporters
and their tissue of lies because they have established that precedence in many
occasions hence no dignifies them with a response again.
I can understand that
elections are getting closer, so many desperate politicians who know that they
cannot stand any election against Distinguished Senator Oduah and win on issues
and performance, will want to do anything to create disaffection in the camp of
Senator Oduah supporters which is expanding daily like fire, in recompense with
what she has done within these three years she has represented the good people
of Anambra North.
But for the interest of
many who have been deceived by their sensational propaganda again, let me take
time to dissect the issues one by one.
The entire baseless
story this time revolved on just one issue, which is break down of Screening
Machines bought since 2013. We are in 2018 and Sahara and their sponsors who
will never take responsibility for their shortcomings and incompetence rather
they are still blaming Stella Oduah who left office since 2014 for
installations that were done since 2013.
Sahara Reporters said
the manufacturers were not known and in another paragraph they also said
maintenance of the equipments was part of the agreement reached with
manufacturers of the equipments. What a paradox! Who then was the agreement
reached with if the purchase was from a “ghost” manufacturer as claimed by
Sahara Reporters. Are people not tired of these lies and counter lies that only
expose the lack of professionalism and beer parlour journalism practiced by
Sahara Reporters and their sponsors.
It’s unfortunate that
our country has continued to slump in this manner where incompetence is the order
of the day and people will continue to blame the past instead of taking
responsibility for their actions and inactions. Government is a continuum and
so is everything that comes with it. Isn’t it laughable that four years after
Distinguished Senator Stella Oduah left aviation, they are still expecting her
to be the one maintaining the infrastructures she installed across all
geopolitical zones of Nigeria half a decade ago. Infact, the entire industry
has continued to quake at the sound of the name of the only Minister that
brought watershed restructuring that took our aviation ministry to another
It is on record that
aviation sector recorded a boom under Senator Oduah and the entire industry was
flourishing with many flights getting fully booked ahead of departure, a
practice that was hitherto impossible and unheard of.
Sahara Reporters and
their cohorts/sponsors will never forgive Distinguished Senator Stella Oduah
for shattering all the barriers in Aviation Industry. It’s on record that she
was the first person that was bold enough to develop our Aviation sector by
remodelling 22 airports across all geo political zones of Nigeria against the
wishes of status quo, after decades of abandonment and decay even while
Billions were appropriated yearly into the
Ministry but there was nothing to show for it. The people that headed
the Ministry prior to her are daily sleeping in peace because they never
bordered to develop our aviation sector rather the appropriations disappeared
yearly from Aviation Ministry Account without any accountability.
Senator Stella Oduah
took it upon herself to develop our aviation sector in tandem with our
burgeoning population to meet the growing challenges of transport. It’s on
record that before she became Minister of Aviation, flight was like journey to
hell for Nigerians as many dreaded to fly. Flying was exclusively for the few
who had the courage to risk their lives.
Stella Oduah came and
faced the challenges head on. From infrastructural decay to safety concerns and
management, Stella Odauh was up to the task and brought sweeping reforms to the
sector, thereby making the industry attractive again for Nigerians to travel by
air and for investors to come in to invest. By the time she was leaving office
in 2014, the statistics showed that Nigerian air travel had grown by more than
100% due to her resilience which brought sweeping changes to the sector.
Just as we have seen over
the years, this new baseless attack that has no venom and substance, will also
go the same way the previous attacks have gone, straight to the shredder as
people are sick and tired of these boring fallacies rather Nigerians are
yearning for new initiatives in aviation sector that will take the sector to
higher level from where Distinguished Senator Oduah left it few years back.
Ekeanya (MBA, BSc, DAIT) writes from Abuja.
GetMotivated Naija, Nigerian Youths
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